
Zveřejněno: 28.03.2024

OpenDOAR is global Directory of Open Access Repositories. It host repositories that provide free, open access to academic outputs and resources. Each repository record within... Jump to page »


Zveřejněno: 31.12.2022

ROARmap provides summary informations on the internal policies of individual institutions and grant agencies and their relationship to OA publishing (requirements for providing open access... Jump to page »

Digitální knihovna ČVUT

Zveřejněno: 31.12.2022

The CTU Digital Library (CTU DL) is CTU’s institutional repository and serves as a university-wide platform for preserving, sharing and presenting CTU publication outputs.


Zveřejněno: 31.12.2022

ArXiv is an electronic archive of preprints of scientific papers in mathematics, physics, computer science and biology. It is freely available on the Internet.


Zveřejněno: 08.11.2022

A universal open access repository developed by the European OpenAIRE programme and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to store research papers, datasets, research software,... Jump to page »

Last change: 28.03.2024