Register of Information on Results (RIV) is used for the regular storage and presentation of results funded by public funding. On the basis of these data, the Government Research, Development and Innovation Council (RDCI) carries out an assessment of the results of research organisations on a fixed date each year.
The Open Access requirements are also gradually being incorporated into the RIV data collection and thus passed on to the individual research institutions. Institutions must then incorporate Open Access data into the applications in which data on R&D results are entered and from which data are exported to RIV. For CTU this is V3S.
Requirements for Open Access in RIV
Data for result type J (peer-reviewed article)
R94 * Method of publication
To be filled in for the type of result J. The code according to the codebook should be given:
A = Open Access – permanent, immediate, free and free online access to the full text of published scientific results (usually articles) without restrictions.
B = Open Access with a time embargo – a resource that is metadata access until it is released for open access on a specific date. Embargoes are set by the terms and conditions of publishers (free access to articles only after a set period of time from publication, usually 6-12 months) or funders, or may be set by the author
C = restricted access – restricted access refers to a resource with some type of restriction on full open access, e.g. the user must register with the system to access the resource. Full content is only available to subscribers, or the user must submit a request to the author or system administrator to gain access to the resource, or access to the resource is restricted to a specific community (e.g. university library systems, etc.).
D = metadata only – metadata only access refers to a resource where access to the result is limited to the cataloguing/bibliographic description of that result, but the full text is not available in the system or on any other platform and cannot be linked to the primary open access resource. If there is no Description of data to be delivered to IS R&D&I – RIV in 2022 to version 3.1.1 12 link to the metadata of the result, then the field R86 * Link to the full text web page of the result (Open Access) or to the homepage of the result (character, max. length 500) remains empty.
R95 * Expected date of publication of the full text of the result
To be filled in only in case R94 = B (Open Access with time embargo). The date shall be given in the format in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Data common to all types of results applied
R86 * Link to the full text of the result (Open Access) or to the homepage of the result
For publication results, this is a link to the web page from which the full text of the result is available. If the full text of the result is archived in the institutional repository of the submitter or publisher of the periodical (see R94 * Method of publication), the link to the full text of the result should be provided (for peer-reviewed articles this is mandatory). A reference to a preprint of the article is not a valid reference to the full text of the article with respect to the current definition of a J-type result – peer-reviewed scientific article.
For research synthesis reports, this is a link to the website where this result is published (by the provider or other competent authority).
Filling Open Access parameters in V3S
All the data listed here is filled in on the basic tab (Details) in the V3S application.
DOI – Digital Object Identifier (document)
- The DOI information, which is intended to provide the user with the location of the document. For example, it looks like this: ‘10.1007/s00203-002-0481-8’. In conjunction with an intermediary service (, it redirects the browser to a document found on the network.
- The DOI can be found e.g. when listing a search result on Web of Science.
- More information about DOIs is available on their web.
- Since 2012, this entry is submitted to RIV if filled in.
- You cannot use the DOI of a publication of which the result is a part, nor the DOI of a subpart of the result. For example, the DOI of a book must be the DOI of the whole book and the DOI of the relevant chapter.
Web address
- The link to the website from which the full text of the article is available. Alternatively, to the publisher’s page with information about the article.
- It is preferable to fill in the DOI, then there is no need to fill in the www link.
Access the full text at the DOI or www link
- Select from the codebook in which mode the full text is accessible on the DOI or www link (prefer to fill in the DOI).
- Text accessibility options:
- Open – Open Access
- Embargoed – Embargoed access (OA after the specified time limit expires)
- Restricted – Restricted access (after login, registration, fee, etc.)
- Closed – Closed access (only metadata is visible).
- Alternatively, full text can be inserted directly in V3S on the DSpace tab. But be careful to follow the publisher’s terms and conditions!
Link to research dataset
- The URL link to a research dataset (research data) published, for example, in an institutional or thematic archive or repository that is related to the result.
- If available, a persistent dataset identifier, e.g. DOI or Handle, written as a URL, is preferred as the value of this data.
- Research data are (according to Directive EU 2019/1024) documents in digital form, excluding scientific publications, that are collected or produced in the course of scientific research activities and used as evidence in the research process, or that are generally accepted by the research community as necessary to validate research findings and results.
- This entry is submitted to the RIV from 2021 onwards if completed.